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Chapter 2


Welcome o­n GuppY, the easy web portal that does not require a database.

GuppY is the new name for miniPortail as from version 2.4. Why did we change the name? Well, it is pretty simple: many miniPortail users told us that the "mini" part of the name (which means "tiny" in French) mistaked them about the real and numerous features of this web portal.

Why GuppY as a name then ? Some people tried to find some kind of acronym like "GuppY is a Universal PHP Portal for Youpy". But, to tell the truth, GuppY is just the favourite fish of aldweb.

This readme.txt file is long and as exhaustive as possible.

Two other documentations complement this readme.txt file:
- the GuppY FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
- the beautiful user manual written by Zerg (French version) and WackoJacko (English translation). You will find them on the GuppY website (
Read CAREFULLY this documentation before asking a question o­n the GuppY forum which is hosted on the GuppY website ( We kindly ask you to read it CAREFULLY because more than 90% of the questions raised on the GuppY forum are answered in this documentation.

Thank you for not writing to me personally with an e-mail for asking questions regarding the understanding or the use of GuppY, my e-mailbox is saturated all of the time with e-mails and my free time to answer you being limited !

A member of the GuppY team or another user will answer you much quicker and often much better than I would do on the forum. In addition, all GuppY users will then benefit from your questions and the provided answers. But, before asking a question, please respect our work and check carefully that you read CAREFULLY all of the available documentation. I hope that I have made this point clear now !

As for saying thank you and for writing other nice comments, please consider posting a message in the guestbook on the GuppY website or on my personal website before writing to me.... Thanks !

But, if for some reason you really want to write us, please use the e-mail address which is accessed by all GuppY Team members.

I whish you a good reading,

Laurent Duveau (aka aldweb)

Creation date : 06/12/2004 @ 04:00
Last update : 29/03/2012 @ 16:38
Category : GuppY
Page read 77298 times

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Reaction #56 

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